Eye of the Storm – About Me

You may be wonder, who am I? What is the purpose of this blog? And why am I reading this in the first place even?!

Well, I’ll tell you. I’m Lin, I’m not a very interesting or exciting person, so I decided to start a blog. This blog’s purpose is simply to record the various musings that appear in my mind, and maybe to initiate discussions about certain topics or concepts. In other words, I needed something to do when I got bored. Simple as that! Don’t expect anything too consistent, and don’t expect everything to be thought provoking. Like any other blog, this one will be filled with such a random array of topics that I really couldn’t even think of categories to store everything in at the moment. Which is distressing. I love categorizing.

As to WHY you are here, reading this blog. I don’t know! That’s for you to answer. Maybe you, yourself, got bored and decided, “Why don’t I read some useless drivel off of the internet.” Perhaps you find my disorganized rambling to be amusing or entertaining; or somehow thought provoking! Whatever the case may be, welcome. And thank you for reading my off the wall posts.